Toronto Courthouse - Variable Airflow (Energy) Upgrade
MAT 4Site Engineers coordinated and managed a team of mechanical, electrical and environmental consultants in order to modernize the existing HVAC systems serving courtrooms and general public areas of Toronto Courthouse located at 361 University Ave.
The primary objective of the project involved upgrading building HVAC systems (total of 7 Air Handling Units) from constant to variable air volume systems. The following facility upgrades were completed:
• Replacement of the existing (supply & return) fan motors
• Installation of Variable Frequency Drives (VFD’s) on all fans
• Installation of motorized dampers and airflow stations on each associated zone to allow for variable flow
• Upgrade of the existing 416V serving mechanical systems with 600V which involved installation of a new Motor Control Center (MCC)
• Testing, calibration and replacement of the malfunctioning sensors located in courtrooms to ensure reliable feedback and occupants comfort
Secondly, review and revisions of the existing controls sequences of operation was completed. This upgrade included:
• Optimization including economization, optimal start/stop, occupied & unoccupied scheduling
• Alarms & trending
• Front end graphics/user interface updates
MAT 4Site Engineers coordinated with the Infrastructure Ontario Energy Team and Toronto Hydro to apply and obtain the available incentives.
Project services included feasibility planning, conceptual design, detailed engineering & design, construction review and contract administration.