TDCSB Multi School - Chiller Study & Replacement


The project involved Chiller studies performed for several schools for the Toronto Catholic District School Board which include: Blessed Mother Teresa, Jean Vanier, St Patrick, Archbishop Romero and Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts. These schools are located in various locations within the Toronto region. The school sizes ranges from approximately 103,000 sq.ft for Cardinal Carter to approximately 302,000 sq.ft for Jean Vanier.

The projects involved the master planning for the retrofitting/replacement of chillers that were using phased-out refrigerant. The studies looked at the replacement of the chillers, cooling towers, pumps and accessories; as well as modifications to chilled water distribution systems. The study included various options, control strategies and chiller technologies. A financial, life cycle and emissions analysis was performed for each option. Schematic drawings were prepared for the various options; and a project implementation plan was further developed for the client’s preferred solution. The implementation plan was developed to minimize disruption of services.

The studies were then turned into full scale design projects that have been completed. One additional school was added (totaling 6). MAT 4Site Engineers worked with the TCDSB to select and pre-purchase long lead equipment so that the projects schedules could be met. Capital costs and life cycle costing was prepared for the TCDSB so that a holistic approach to selection could be implemented. Considerable incentives were applied for and obtained via the OPA and Toronto Hydro.


Project services included energy modeling, feasibility planning, conceptual design, detailed engineering & design, construction review and contract administration.