Sealed Air - Fit Out


MAT 4Site Engineers was retained to work on a tenant fit out project for Sealed Air new office and warehouse located at 3755 Laird Road, Mississauga Ontario.

The project was initiated to provide mechanical services for the 24,800 sqft of corporate office space and another 22,200 sqft of warehouse space.

The project involves the installation of HVAC system, fire protection, compressed air system and plumbing system.

The scope of the mechanical work included the following key elements:

• Standard heating, ventilation / air conditioning design including calculations
• Design and selection of new RTUs and Makeup air units for the office space and warehouse area
• Design the air distribution ductwork system through the entire office and warehouse space
• Plumbing and drainage systems design
• Fire protection systems design
• Gas distribution system design
• Compressed air system design
• Stand-alone controls systems design for HVAC systems


Project services included feasibility planning, conceptual design, detailed engineering & design, construction review and contract administration and close-out.