QPC - Deep Lake Water Cooling Integration


The project involved the engineering for the integration of the new Deep Lake Water cooling system. Our scope of work included engineering for all of the construction downstream of the Enwave primary heat exchangers. The project also involved controls strategies to ensure that all of the QPC’s commitments under the Deep Lake Water cooling system contract were met while ensuring proper water and cooling throughout the complex.

Our scope of work was also to coordinate with all of the design engineers of the incoming services, as well as the contractors and Enwave to ensure that the implementation was properly integrated.

The Deep Lake water cooling system utilizes water from Lake Ontario to provide “free cooling” to a number of buildings in downtown Toronto. Enwave projects that the Deep Lake Water system uses approximately 75% less energy than a comparable chilled water system (please refer to Enwave for further information).


Project services included feasibility planning, conceptual design, detailed engineering & design, construction review, contract administration and commissioning.