George Drew - Decommissioning and Abatement
The Ontario Government has owned the George Drew complex in Toronto Ontario for approximately 40 years. The facility consists of three buildings: 25 Grosvenor (the Forensic tower and administrative offices), 26 Grenville (the Morgue), 27 Grosvenor (the parking facility). This project involved the decommissioning of all of the laboratory spaces in 25 Grosvenor (7 floors) and the Morgue in 26 Grenville (two floors).
Project Team
M4S was the Prime consultant chosen to coordinate and manage a complete team consisting of the following disciplines:
• Architectural
• Environmental/Abatement
• Electrical
• Code Consultant
Scope of work
The scope of services for this project was to analyze the existing facilities; to determine infrastructure work required to decommission the buildings; and return it to “base building” condition. Specific items include:
• Removal of all program related HVAC, ductwork, rooftop units and equipment, exhaust systems, fume hoods, autoclaves, associated gas lines, and electrical connections for equipment.
• Adjust and balance final HVAC system as required.
• All ductwork is to be tested for hazardous materials contamination due to program use, and is to be sanitized and abated where required.
• Intrusive testing was completed during investigation under Type 2 containment conditions.
• Removal of refrigeration equipment, walk-in freezers & refrigerators.
• Ensure that the buildings meet all the current building codes for a vacant office space.
• Environmental Consultant performed a detailed DSS and Hazardous Materials survey for all in scope spaces. Mechanical drawings were coordinated and produced to suit environmental findings.
Project services included feasibility planning, conceptual design, detailed engineering & design, construction review and contract administration.